What works in self publishing by Katie Salidas @bk36 @quixotickatie #blitz

Katie Salidas explores her success in Self Publishing

Self-Publishing wasn’t an easy decision, that’s for sure. Like all new writers, I originally envisioned J.K. Rowling-like fame. I was going to write a series that would have readers clamoring for more. The reality is so much farther from the truth but it’s those initial fantasies that had me chomping at the bit to get my debut novel, Immortalis Carpe Noctem out into the world.

I started, as many new writers do, sending out queries way too early. We’re all blind to our faults and I certainly was (and still am) no exception. After some initial harsh rejection, I decided to turn to critiquing groups for help.  Six months later after a few more rounds of revisions (and research into the publishing world), I was ready to go at it again, this time with a more realistic approach. I learned that my initial dream of millions and millions of dollars and people lining up for miles to attend my book signings, was much more the exception than the rule.

Still, the reception was lukewarm at best. I would hear compliments about the story and characters, but still be told, no.  A common theme in the query responses I got was that the market was already too flooded with vampire stories. They’d love to publish me (or take me on as a client) but there are just too many vampire books out there.

My research told me too, that even if I had gotten a publishing contract, my book wouldn’t see store shelves until 2 years later. Vampires may be hot now, but what if they have cooled by then?

That last bit was what spurred me on to self-publish. I didn’t want my story missing the opportunity to hit the market while it was still hot. I had spent a total of five years working on Immortals, from the time I penned the first word, until the final draft. There was no way I was going to let it collect dust. It was (and still is) my baby.

So I turned my research to indie publishing and spent months learning all I could about ebook formatting and ways to get my work into print. Let me tell you, there’s a lot to learn there.  It took me another four months to finally pull the trigger and publish Immortalis Carpe Noctem. Since then I have released many more titles, like the newest one available today: Pandora’s Box.

Am I making millions off of my books? No. Self-publishing is not the gateway to fame and fortune. (Most artists are starving, right?). Sure it would be nice to get rich from my work, but that’s not the goal. Writing is my passion, and eventually, sure I’d like to pay the bills with it, but for now it’s a slow build. I’m finding new readers every day.  The best part, for me, is seeing others enjoy my work. I cherish every fan email I get and every comment on my blog.

You, the reader, make me happy in the choice I made to self-publish.

Thanks for reading, and if you want to check out my work, you can find me at


Immortalis Carpe Noctem (Book 1)

Becoming a vampire is easy. Living with the condition… that’s the hard part.

Bleeding to death after brutal mugging, twenty-five year old Alyssa is rescued by the most unlikely hero: the handsome and aloof vampire, Lysander.

His gift of immortal blood initiates Alyssa into a frightening, eternally dark world filled with: bloodlust, religious fanaticism, and thousand-year old vendettas.

With Lysander as her guide, Alyssa will have to learn what it takes to survive in the immortal world. She’ll have to find the strength to accept her new reality and carpe noctem; or give in, and submit to final death.

Hunters & Prey (Book 2)

Becoming a vampire saved Alyssa from death, but the price was high: the loss of everything and everyone attached to her mortal life. She’s still learning to cope when a surprise confrontation with Santino Vitale, the Acta Sanctorum’s most fearsome hunter, sends her fleeing back to the world she once knew, and Fallon, the friend she’s missed more than anything.

Alyssa breaks vampire law by revealing her new, true self to her old friend, a fact which causes strong division in the group that should support her most: her clan.

Pandora’s Box (Book 3)

After a few months as a vampire, Alyssa thought she’d learned all she needed to know about the supernatural world. But her confidence is shattered by the delivery of a mysterious package – a Pandora’s Box.

Seemingly innocuous, the box is in reality an ancient prison, generated by a magic more powerful than anyone in her clan has ever known. But what manner of evil could need such force to contain it?

When the box is opened, the sinister creature within is released, and only supernatural blood will satiate its thirst. The clan soon learns how it feels when the hunter becomes the hunted.

Apparently powerless against the ancient evil, the clan flees Las Vegas for Boston, with only a slim hope for salvation. Could Lysander’s old journals hold the key? And what if they don’t?

And how welcome will they be in a city run by a whole different kind of supernatural being?


To purchase the Immortalis books (In print and ebook):

Amazon USA
http://www.amazon.com/Katie-Salidas/e/B003APXXWO/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_1 Amazon UK
http://www.amazon.co.uk/Katie-Salidas/e/B003APXXWO/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_pop_1 Amazon DE (Germany)
http://www.amazon.co.de/Katie-Salidas/e/B003APXXWO/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_pop_1 Barnes & Noble
http://productsearch.barnesandnoble.com/search/results.aspx?WRD=katie+salidas&page=index&prod=univ&choice=allproducts&query=katie+salidas&flag=False&pos=-1&box=katie+salida&ugrp=2 Smashwords

Thea Atkinson is a writer of character driven fiction.

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Posted in guest blogging
11 comments on “What works in self publishing by Katie Salidas @bk36 @quixotickatie #blitz
  1. Viv says:

    It’s tough out there but well done Katie for taking the steps.
    Creatvitity has a way of flowing round the roadblocks in its way and right now, the traditional publishing industry is very much a roadblock.

  2. I was pretty much in the same boat with you (although, I didn’t query any) that I wrote a vampire book while agents and publishers weren’t taking those stories anymore. Which is why I didn’t bother querying, I knew I would be told vampires were on the way out. I’m glad I self published though, it was a fun (and tedious) process and I highly enjoy being in charge of everything. Even on my bad days. lol

  3. Denise Z says:

    What a fun blitz tour – thank you for sharing with me today, I am enjoying the posts.

  4. donnas says:

    Thanks for sharing! Loved the first two.

    bacchus76 at myself dot com

  5. @ Tanya Good luck with your short story! =)

    @ Patricia Both Indie and Traditional are very hard work, but worth it! Good luck with your work too!

    @BK Hugs as always! Thanks for the support!

  6. Great post. I didn’t quiet have dreams of fame and fortune but I hadn’t expected traditional publishing to be so time consuming and hard. Not that indie is any easier but to me, it’s better than sitting around while I wait for an agent/editor/publisher to get back to me. Plus I like being in control of my book’s destiny and you lose some of that publishing traditionally.

  7. Very useful post. A short story I wrote is going to be published in an anthology and I’m currently working on a couple of projects.Should I ever get to the publishing stage I’ll definitely consider self publishing.

  8. Thank you so much for participating today and hosting Katie. You did a great job! and wonderful post Katie 🙂

  9. Thank you so much for having me here today! I’m so thankful for all of the wonderful support I’ve received so far, not only with this book, but with the decision to self-publish as well!

    ~Katie Salidas

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