I’m gonna streak!

I’m planning a blog streak! The concept is like a blog tour except with flash fiction. Basically, I hope you’ll host a piece of my flash fiction for one day (I’ll try to make it genre specific to your own writing). I’m asking each host to post a link to the next blog for the next day so that traffic can move forward as well as a link from the previous one. One fresh piece of flash for every day of the month spread out over 30 blogs. You don’t need to do anything except post the info I supply (the links, the flash, and a brief intro) At the end, I’ll post every blog link for a week so folks can catch up on what they missed. And during the month I’ll be tweeting it etc to help with exposure for everyone.

I’ve created a hashtag for the streak as well that I’ll be including in the tweets I send. #blogstreak. I’m hoping the idea catches on. Feel free to use it to chat or let me know how things are going or if you’ve started your own blog streak that we can all follow.

The hope is that the #blogstreak tag will give authors a place to find bloggers willing to host a streaker and to promo the streak once it’s begun.

Let’s give it a shot, eh?

I really hope the readers will follow the links through to see where/and in what genre i end up.

If you’d like to host me for a day and provide a link to the next in the streak chain, just let me know. I still have spots open and it makes for great networking to join up…even for a day….which will turn into a month!

Thea Atkinson is a writer of character driven fiction.

Posted in blog streak
6 comments on “I’m gonna streak!
  1. jaxbee says:

    What a fantastic idea! Like Heather, my blog’s more of the steady trickle of readers variety but if you’re still looking for a slot, I’d love to help.

  2. Hi Thea,

    Just got a second to check you idea. I’d be happy to host a day for you. Can you let me know what dates you need filled so I can reserve one for you?


  3. Hi Thea, I’ll be happy to participate! Just let me know.

  4. Heather says:

    My LJ isn’t exactly high-traffic, but if you’ve got any blank spaces you need to fill, I’d be happy to host you for a day.

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