Vivienne Tuffnell has written a post that I think is a nice companion to the thoughts I express in my Haystack Giveaway. Although my post was purely in the hopes of gaining some visibililty, Vivienne writes eloquently as she always does about her bemusement of some viral book and blogs. Great post, Vivienne. I always look forward to your postings.

Zen and the Art of Tightrope Walking


Black Holes and The (Meta)physics of Popularity

Have you ever stopped to question how something becomes and remains popular? Has it ever baffled you beyond words why a singer or a film or a book gain a massive following, and yet has left you cold, and unable to see its appeal? Have you ever finally succumbed to peer pressure and bought the latest must-read book, that must-have music and found yourself wondering why the blazes this has somehow hit the big time when you can see few redeeming features in it?

I bought the novel Twilight about two years, to read while away on a trip, and was seriously disappointed. I got to the end and was unable to see why it has become a global phenomenon. It is poorly written, and unoriginal; someone has described it at Jane Eyre with vampires and werewolves. The characters are flat and unrealistic…

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Thea Atkinson is a writer of character driven fiction.

Posted in Thea bits
2 comments on “
  1. Viv says:

    Hope it helped some.
    I find it maddening that some things I see as of seriously limited worth (50 shades of grey for a start) becoming enormous successes because of their appeal to the baser instincts.
    If I ever go down that route, it’s time to shoot me for my own sake.

I'd love to have your feedback

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All Thea's novels are available on Kindle, Nook, Sony, and Kobo
